In 2008, I was flying high. To you I would be barely flying in the middle, I would just be levitating one foot off the ground in your eyes. Well back to me. In 2008, I finished college, I had me a dead-end job that I left to start my career the job of my dreams. It was a sales job in the media game.
All of a sudden, my apex became a curse on me. Many times, I wonder, am I cursed or do I have a bad horoscope. And I say bad horoscope because its beyond back luck, its being f-cked from birth.
As soon as I got my first job, I ended up being in a toxic workplace. It seems the boss who hired me had second thoughts. So, she would make my job hard hoping I would quit. I never quit. Instead, I stood firm, and she fired me.
That was the one year of work after college. After that, I was on unemployment. That lasted two years. I tried to find a job, but it was lower than I was getting on unemployment, and it was not enough to sustain myself or what I should be getting out of college. We are talking way below 30k a year.
After that, it started to become mission impossible. First, the longer you stay out of work, the harder it is to get hired for some strange reason. Then there is this bull sh-t they make you go through. They want to credit check you, background check , check your penis size and drug test you for a minimum wage job and this was before it was a $15 minimum wage. And I was like suck my d-ck.
On top of that, if you are not going to hire me for sure why would I give you my social security number? Isn’t that the dumbest thing you ever heard of in your life? What do you do with my number after you have it and you do not hire me? So again, suck my d-ck and the next thing you know it’s years since I had a job.
Whatever job I do have just tried to exploit me because they know I am long term unemployed for years, so they have me by the balls. I like my balls, i really love my balls and here I am, in my forties at my mother’s house and unemployed.
After my entrepreneur endeavors failed, after dreams of higher education failed and after one hundred interviews from hell I am truly burnt out from life.
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