
  • Is Social Media a Democracy or an Authoritarian Regime?

    Have you ever been banned from a social media site? Have you ever been flagged or warned for something on social media? Well, you are not alone, ehh, technically you are if you were banned or flagged. Why: because you were isolated by that social media site. Outcasted, if you will.
    And I know the feeling, I feel your pain, it’s in my ass. I have formed simple sentences using the words: the, a, um; and next thing you know I got banned or flagged with no explanation and no sound reason. All we know is that we violated a policy.
    But you got to hand it to social media. They don’t discriminate, you could a be a white woman who is petite with blond hair, or you can be a minority and social media don’t care they will send you to jail.
    Lately, I thank God in heaven that social media is not a country because it would be a regime that makes Saddam Hoosein look like a Kardashian.
    And you know on a side note in the wrong direction, I had a horrible antivirus software which I won’t mention that gave false positive results for a virus. After asking for a refund, I let them know, if that was a pregnancy test that would be mind blowing.
    Well, any way, until next time.

    And please for the love of God, make a donation to support this site on the top right corner of this page.

  • Food Insecurity, a fancy way of saying we are a third world country

    So I live in America, I’m sure you are sorry to hear that. In the USA news media system you will hear this term many times “food insecure.”
    Huh?! What the fudge brownies with frosting does that mean?
    Food insecurity means that you in poverty in a very rich first-class nation and you are so poor that you cannot afford food. It does not mean that food makes you feel insecure like an abusive boyfriend. I’m sure someone out there hears the word food insecure, and you think someone was threatened by a chicken wing. Nope that is not what it means.
    Food insecure is a term to describe people who cannot afford food or do not have enough food.
    One time I got food insecure. I was eating a hotdog and half way through the second one it made me feel like was giving a man oral sex. And it was a hotdog with ketchup and mustard, so the person’s penis was bleeding and giving std discharge. So, perhaps that should be an alternate meaning of food insecurity, it should mean that you are eating hot dogs, and you realize that it looks like you are sucking a penis.
    Look, all I’m saying is if you are hungry or you ate a snickers bar and feel like you just ate a cock, you need to be secure and confident that, I don’t know, they won’t let me tweet this stuff so here we are…

  • My first blog, what this site is about

    Hello folks and folkets. I do not know if folkets is a word, but if you think folks are a bunch of guys and no girls included so I wrote a made up word “folkets.”

    Well now that you have all been welcomed. Let me introduce my blog: The most illogical place on the internet because it’s a display of my mind. It’s a textual illustration of what and how I think.

    I saw a guy name Jordan Neely get choked from behind because he was crazy. When I heard about that, I was like damn, it is illegal to be me. You can’t flip out anymore, you can’t lose it and scream although you did not touch anyone. I mean you can if you are a woman who weighs under 150 pounds with a light skin color. But if you are brown dude like me and you look like a dark version of Vincent van Gogh as i do, you are in trouble, you are hereby illegal…

    SO, I said, I will write this blog. I keep hearing all these points of views that I have interpreted as “I’m screwed.” Therefore, this blog is my way of fighting back or at least having a voice for myself.

    Right now, this blog is not being read by anyone. Just me when I have an erection and when I don’t. You can count that as two different people but it’s pretty much me. And you know what: good, because I don’t want people I know reading it, because I want to get a good feel for who likes what I am saying. I do not want haters, old friends because I have no new friends, enemies which we can classify as old friends and family which we can classify as enemies to hate watch me… Also, I will be talking about them. And if you are someone I know, first of, F&*4 You and you are not important you are just content…

    Also, my website is something that needs to be supported, please leave a donation on the top right corner of the screen because I am in my forties and I live with my mom. Yea I know, what a loser. But at least, yea ok, you got me, I’m a loser; but do not let that stop you from making a donation.