It is crazy, I am afraid to leave my house. The Elvis impersonator who looks like Abraham Lincoln, parking nazi number one is always blocking my driveway to hog the parking spot in front of my house. It really annoys me. He does it two times day, many times a week.
I had some close calls with this prick. I almost beat the sheet out of him two times in which he cowered. But before that and after that he wants to act like a tough guy. I am afraid if I go out there, I will eventually punch him in his Abraham Lincoln face and get arrested again.
And if I get arrested again in my neighborhood and I see the Jewish Queen judge, I would be screwed, she will send me to pound me in the ass Rikers Island.
I have been staying inside to avoid that nonsense. The sight of this piece of garbage and his entourage of boyfriends really irritates me. Maybe because I know they are cowards, and they will call the cops even though they are the ones acting like tough guys.
I have been doing my magic spells on them, and it has drained me. You see when you curse someone, and their will is strong it takes a lot out of you. And that is what I am spiritually feeling.
Don’t get me wrong, if you are an occultist, you should never lose faith, and may your will be strong but sometimes it does not work and it work against you.
It is a moron move, why do you feel a need to hold a parking spot for yourself with two cars like you are royalty? First of all, this Mary is far from royalty, he looks like a giant roach. Yea, I am talking about the bugs that you find in a dirty person’s apartment. Cock-ah-roach is how you pronounce it and with this loser emphasize the cock.
And what i hate about the situation is he owns an ethnic store around the block (I say ethic, because we are the same race) and they sell meat. They call themselves a fish and meat market but from what I see the product I see that keeps them afloat is sugar cane juice and coconuts. Let me rephrase this, if you own a meat market and your bestselling product is a coconut then you are a failure.
Let us pray and hold the faith that the Elvis impersonator who looks like Abraham Lincoln dies. In this I pray amen.
Tag: arrested
Why I am afraid to leave the house right now