What is more undesirable than herpes? Yes, that is correct: a door-to-door salesperson.
If you ask me, door to door salesmen and saleswomen are a biblical plague. My experience with door-to-door salespeople are with Spectrum, Verizon and those annoying people who try to switch you to a no name utility like electricity or gas that is not the normal company in your area.
I feel that door to door salespeople are like a pandemic, they are worse than covid.
At least with covid, you can stay home, you can put on a mask, you can get vaccinated or just decide to live in the woods and not be bothered. But door to door salespeople are like a covid virus that rings your doorbell to insist you need sheet that is more expensive than what you already have.
They can be really pushy. They can be really aggressive. Also, they can be a nuisance and annoying. I can understand a scum bag company that wants to sell you gas or oil utilities that is more expensive. But I have no idea why Verizon and Spectrum would use these scum. In fact, I have a very bad impression of Verizon and Spectrum brands because of my experiences with the door-to-door salespeople who represent them.
One time this salesperson representing Verizon rang my doorbell five times in three days. Therefore, that door to door salesperson from Verizon came back more times than herpes. At least herpes has the courtesy of disappearing for a few years or possibly never coming back but the door-to-door salespeople I have experience with are like a very aggressive antibiotic-resistant disease that keeps ringing your doorbell.
That is how I feel about door-to-door salespeople. And what is their sales pitch and approach: it is to be an aggressive and annoying butthole. They make a living off pissing people off. You say politely: “I am not interested.” Then they go into A-hole mode. They get aggressive and moody. Sometimes they say they will be back even when tell them not to.
I get so frustrated that I actually screamed at a few of them, and they almost evoked me to get physical. They want to ask you a bunch of personal questions that may not even answer if your spouse asked you it.
So, I was reminded about how much I despise door to door salespeople when three of them came to my door today like a pack of hyenas. I did not answer the door, and they came back twice. And what kills me the most about it, is they use thee most crusty looking people they can find to knock on your door. I don’t know where they get them from, probably they go to a police lineup at the nearest police precinct and say: “hey, do you want a job?!”
I hope they are gone, and they do not come back for a few months, but they are like herpes, they come unexpectedly, and it hurts. They get me so angry that I just want to….. One of these days, I am afraid I might find myself getting beat up by one of them because let’s face it, I get angry, but I cannot fight. Also, I have the strength of a stage four cancer patient.
Please donate to my website on the top right corner of the site because eventually I will need a lawyer and not the mob attorney from the 1970s, I hired two years ago when I got arrested.
Well until next time, and there will always be a next time.
Tag: door-to-door salespeople
You should not hate door-to-door salespeople, you should despise them