Tag: parking

  • He looks like Abraham Lincoln and an Elvis impersonator

    My mind and body is shaking to the core with anger and rage. OfCourse, no one knows it, just my mom because I live with her, and I told her about. The rage is coming from my hatred for the Elvis impersonator parking nazi. He is back doing his schtick in front of my house, blocking my driveway twice a day to annex and hog the parking spot in front of my house.

    I wrote in depth about the Elvis impersonator parking nazi who looks like Abraham Lincoln also here:https://wordsofmisery.com/2025/02/03/saturday-more-like-shitturday/

    It irritates me, sometimes I see him out my window doing, other times I am greeted to this sh-t when I step out my door. I know it is kind of legal what he is doing, and since it takes two minutes I should not care. But for some reason, it makes my blood boil.
    So, with this in mind, I see danger that is inevitable and unavoidable. Also, it’s a situation I cannot win. If I punch the Elvis impersonator parking nazi in his face, which is coming to a theater near you, his gang of boyfriends will come after me; and I am willing to risk that. After all, I did scream at the guy all by his lonesome on two separate occasions and he did nothing, and his little boyfriends did not come at me.
    But get this, the Elvis impersonator parking nazi is one of those mid-life crises douche bags who is in his late fifties to early sixties, but he is acting like a tough guy. And he like many people in my neighborhood feel I am a mark, because I am always by myself and a small person. Then when a midlife crisis loser here in good old’ NYC sees me in my neighborhood, for some strange reason they start to challenge me and downright initiate conflict with me in their ploy to feel young again and Elvis impersonator parking nazi is another one of them. So, if cops get involved, they will take his side because of his age, because the last guy who had a midlife crisis on me turned into a scared old man and called the cops.
    Then if the cops come, it will be like last time. I told the cops they did things that irritated me and provoked me like staring at me, saying something messed up, coming on to my property and the cops were like: “so,” then the cops took me to jail instead; and I can foresee that happening again.
    So, like usual, I am locking myself in here, listening to the spirits tell me to stay in and I am shaking and bouncing off the walls in stopping myself from going out there and hitting him. In addition, the times he has tried to irritate me in person by saying stupid sh-t to me while he parks in front of my house to block my driveway, I again stopped myself from hitting him by just screaming at him. OfCourse, when I did scream at him, the first time he started pleading he does not want any trouble and the other time, he turned his back to deescalate because I got in his face, if he would have made the wrong move in that event I would have hurt him. Then that other time when he pleaded, he wanted no trouble, he still stood in front of me for a minute and right before I picked up my shovel and held it to his face to mush his head with it, he left within a split second.
    So, I am honestly trying to be peaceful. I am, and I am trying to keep my composure, but in my home, I am raging behind his presence and nervous about what I foresee. I can see myself getting into a fight or getting arrested or something that involves the latter with the former with a dash of me getting killed.
    I really do hate the Elvis impersonator parking nazi. This as-hole owns an ethnic store around the block, as written before; I say ethnic store because unfortunately me and this jerk off share the same nationality although I was born in America, my parents are where he is from. In his ethnic store he is selling deer meat. Let me rephrase this, the Elvis impersonator parking nazi piece of sh-t is selling the carcass of Bambi. What kind of savage would eat Bambi.
    But again, there is a part of me that should not be obsessed with the annoying things he is doing. But he has this Elvis impersonator look to him and he also looks like Abraham Lincoln a little and then he has this squeaky raspy voice, my God, I pray that he gets HIV.
    I did have to step back and ask myself why I am always fixated on this. I tried to get to the source of my thinking because this is making many intrusive thoughts in my mind. The best thing to do when you have intrusive thoughts is ask yourself why and the answer is because he is a douche bag…

  • Saturday?! More like Shitturday!!!

    Recently I uploaded a blog and deleted it. I did it because I don’t think I expressed myself properly. Now it’s time to exhale through my ass by the written word. 

    I had a horrible saturday. A very sh-tty saturday. We can call it shitturday, how about that?

    First I do my ritual, I look out the window when I wake up in the morning. Ofcourse like everything I do, its a problem. The first thing I see is it the horrible sight of this woman who lives across the street. I nicknamed her the Bangladeshi butterball. Why? Because for the purpose of this blog she is Bangladeshi and she is a nosey round butter ball. I should roll that nosey b-tch down a hill let her crash in to a tree. 

    The second thing I see, is my nightmare returned. The parking nazi number one. He is a piece of sh-it Elvis impersonator who owns the ethic store around the block. He was featured in last blog “a curse of a hundred pennies,” you can read that blog here: https://wordsofmisery.com/2025/01/31/the-curse-of-a-hundred-pennies/

    But I call the Elvis impersonator a parking nazi because out here in NYC you have people who hog parking spots for themselves like it is real estate. And this guy is text book annoying. Elvis impersonator the parking nazi is what we will call him, that is his new nick name.  So let me get back to what I was saying, Elvis impersonator the parking nazi is the reason why people get shot, after dealing with this guy and having the displeasure of watching him exist, I completley understand. Infact, when I hear about things in the news, I think about this guy and say, “the victim must have done something wrong..” I know its fugged up, but the guy gets me that angry. 

    *** let me intervene here, my blogs on wordsofmisery.com are raw, not proof read, its straight written feeling, they may sound incoherent and I may take them down to rephrase or retract***

    So what he does to make me angry is why I call him a parking nazi. Every day for close to seven years, this jerk off has a car parked in front of my house, but he jumps in another car, he then blocks access to my driveway with the other car. He then exits the other car he has blocking my driveway; he takes his sweet azz time and going to his car he has parked Infront of my house which he moves to block my neighbor’s driveway, exits that car while both cars are on and open and blocking both my driveway and my neighbor. Then he proceeds to go back in the car he came in blocking my driveway, he moves it in the parking spot in front of my house, gets out of that car and goes back in the car that is now blocking my neighbor’s driveway which was originally parked in front of my house and then he leaves. And by doing that, he hogs one parking space with two cars and he does it by blocking two driveways. So basically, Elvis’s impersonator parking nazi uses my block as his personal parking lot. It makes me want to cave his head in. 

    On two seperate occassions I almost did cave his head in, but I was not successful unfortunatley. I only screamed at him, scared the stuff out of him, and I as well he realized how much a punk azz beech this guy really is. One time, he had the balls to take one of my shovels and try to help me shovel while I was shoveling snow, I almost punched him in his face, he then begs he wants no trouble. But he is still standing in front of me for a few seconds. When I almost was a centimeter from mushing my snow shovel in head he leaves. A few years later, I actually screamed in his face and confronted him about his parking nazi ways, and again, he was like a scared woman on the New York CIty subway at during the years Eric the dik Adams is or was mayor, just depends on when you read this blog. 

    Mother Laxmi had given me grace, I got a break from this guy for three years, because the blessed city of New York ended up towing his car away because they were doing work on the street and he left his car on the block. He could not get to his car on time because he does not live in the area. The city then towed the parking nazi’s car, and I am talking about the Elvis impersonator who owns the ethic store. I really hate him, i can’t stand his face, I can’t stand his voice, I despise that him and his little gang at his store all look like Elvis Presley impersonators, even the women who work there… 

    But, you know he is not the only parking nazi I have encountered in New York. Yes that is correct I screamed at and almost grounded and pounded a few parking nazis but again I only screamed because I am a vagina. They are like roaches, if it ain’t the Elvis impersonator, its the Chinese News Network, a nosey Chinese person I have a nick name for who kind of lives on my block. Then it was this crew of scum bags who own a furniture store around the block. What is odd, is I did a magic spell against the furniture store people, and they left, they are smart. But the magic spells never worked on the Elvis impersonator, they kind of do, but it doesnt get rid of him and I end up hurting me self. But with the furniture store people they were smart, they caught the vibe from the magic spell and they left. However, Elvis impersonator will is strong, he is affected by it but he keeps coming. Same thing with the chinese news network, I do it on him but he keeps coming but when he does, he is jumping like jumping bean the whole way. However this time, I don’t stop doing magic spells no matter how much it hurts me because Elvis impersonator has to feel it. 

    So, when I woke up, I saw the Bangladeshi butter ball and then I saw that the Elvis impersonator paking nazi has returned. And wow what a start to a sh=itty saturday, it was shitturday, the continuation of a horrible existence. 

    Make sure you come back to wordsofmisery.com. Book mark the page because GOOGLE does not have me listed on their search engine.